nano: Nanorc Files

 8 Nanorc Files
 Nanorc files can be used to configure ‘nano’ to your liking without
 using command-line options.  During startup ‘nano’ will normally read
 two files: first the system-wide file, ‘/etc/nanorc’ (the exact path may
 be different on your system), and then the user-specific file, either
 ‘~/.nanorc’ or ‘$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nano/nanorc’ or ‘.config/nano/nanorc’,
 whichever exists first.  However, if ‘--rcfile’ is given, ‘nano’ will
 skip the above files and will read just the specified settings file.
    A nanorc file can contain ‘set’ and ‘unset’ commands for various
 options (⇒Settings).  It can also contain commands that define
 syntax highlighting (⇒Syntax Highlighting) and commands that
 rebind keys (⇒Rebinding Keys).  Each command should be on a
 separate line, and all commands should be written in lowercase.
    Options that do not take an argument are unset by default.  So using
 the ‘unset’ command is only needed when wanting to override a setting
 from the system’s nanorc file in your own nanorc.  Options that take an
 argument cannot be unset, but can be assigned the empty string.
    Any command-line option overrides its nanorc setting, of course.
    Quotes inside the CHARACTERS parameters below should not be escaped.
 The last double quote on the line will be seen as the closing quote.
