info-stnd: infokey format

 15.1 ‘infokey’ format
 Here is an example ‘.infokey’ file which specifies the key bindings that
 are activated by the ‘--vi-keys’ option to Info (⇒--vi-keys).
      g       first-node
      G       last-node
      \mb     beginning-of-node
      \me     end-of-node
      j       next-line
      k       prev-line
      f       scroll-forward-page-only
      ^f      scroll-forward-page-only
      \m\     scroll-forward-page-only
      z       scroll-forward-page-only-set-window
      b       scroll-backward-page-only
      ^b      scroll-backward-page-only
      w       scroll-backward-page-only-set-window
      \kd     down-line
      ^e      down-line
      ^j      down-line
      ^m      down-line
      \ku     up-line
      ^y      up-line
      ^k      up-line
      d       scroll-half-screen-down
      ^d      scroll-half-screen-down
      u       scroll-half-screen-up
      ^u      scroll-half-screen-up
      ^xn     next-node
      ^xp     prev-node
      ^xu     up-node
      '       last-node
      \mt     top-node
      \md     dir-node
      ^xg     goto-node
      I       goto-invocation-node
      n       search-next
      N       search-previous
      \mf     xref-item
      ^xr     xref-item
      \mg     select-reference-this-line
      ^x^j    select-reference-this-line
      ^x^m    select-reference-this-line
      ^c      abort-key
      \mh     get-info-help-node
      :q      quit
      ZZ      quit
      \mh     echo-area-backward
      \ml     echo-area-forward
      \m0     echo-area-beg-of-line
      \m$     echo-area-end-of-line
      \mw     echo-area-forward-word
      \mx     echo-area-delete
      \mu     echo-area-abort
      ^v      echo-area-quoted-insert
      \mX     echo-area-kill-word
    The file consists of one or more “sections”.  Each section starts
 with a line that identifies the type of section.  The possible sections
      Key bindings for Info windows.  The start of this section is
      indicated by a line containing just ‘#info’ by itself.  If this is
      the first section in the source file, the ‘#info’ line can be
      omitted.  The rest of this section consists of lines of the form:
           STRING whitespace ACTION [ whitespace [ # comment ] ] newline
      Whitespace is any sequence of one or more spaces and/or tabs.
      Comment is any sequence of any characters, excluding newline.
      STRING is the key sequence which invokes the action.  ACTION is the
      name of an Info command.  The characters in STRING are interpreted
      literally or prefixed by a caret (‘^’) to indicate a control
      character.  A backslash followed by certain characters specifies
      input keystrokes as follows:
           Escape (ESC)
           Up arrow
           Down arrow
           Left arrow
           Right arrow
           Page Up
           Page Down
           Delete (DEL)
           Meta-X where X is any character as described above.
      Backslash followed by any other character indicates that character
      is to be taken literally.  Characters which must be preceded by a
      backslash include caret, space, tab, and backslash itself.
      Key bindings for the echo area.  The start of this section is
      indicated by a line containing just ‘#echo-area’ by itself.  The
      rest of this section has a syntax identical to that for the key
      definitions for the Info area, described above.
      Variable initializations.  The start of this section is indicated
      by a line containing just ‘#var’ by itself.  Following this line is
      a list of variable assignments, one per line.  Each line consists
      of a variable name (⇒Variables) followed by ‘=’ followed by
      a value.  There may be no white space between the variable name and
      the ‘=’, and all characters following the ‘=’, including white
      space, are included in the value.
    Blank lines and lines starting with ‘#’ are ignored, except for the
 special section header lines.
    Key bindings defined in the ‘.infokey’ file take precedence over GNU
 Info's default key bindings, whether or not ‘--vi-keys’ is used.  A
 default key binding may be disabled by overriding it in the ‘.infokey’
 file with the action ‘invalid’.  In addition, _all_ default key bindings
 can be disabled by adding this line _anywhere_ in the relevant section:
    This will cause GNU Info to ignore all the default key commands for
 that section.
    Beware: ‘#stop’ can be dangerous.  Since it disables all default key
 bindings, you must supply enough new key bindings to enable all
 necessary actions.  Failure to bind any key to the ‘quit’ command, for
 example, can lead to frustration.
    Note that some keys (such as <C-c>) have special meanings to
 terminals, and any bindings for these would not be effective.  ⇒
 (coreutils)Special Characters.
    The order in which key bindings are defined in the ‘.infokey’ file is
 not important, except that the command summary produced by the
 ‘get-help-window’ command only displays the _first_ key that is bound to
 each command.