grub-dev: Typical Developer Experience

 4.2 Typical Developer Experience
 The typical experience for a developer in this project is the following:
   1. You find yourself wanting to do something (e.g.  fixing a bug).
   2. You show some result in the mailing list or the IRC.
   3. You are getting to be known to other developers.
   4. You accumulate significant amount of contribution, so copyright
      assignment is processed.
   5. You are free to check in your changes on your own, legally
    At this point, it is rather annoying that you ought to ask somebody
 else every change to be checked in.  For efficiency, it is far better,
 if you can commit it yourself.  Therefore, our policy is to give you the
 write permission to our official repository, once you have shown your
 skill and will, and the FSF clerks have dealt with your copyright